Please the senses, for it’s a Blessing πŸ™‚

I heard somewhere before that what we smell incite our emotions, and I experience it first hand.

You ever come across a peculiar smell and it reminded you of the hallway of the elementary school you went to? ahahaa! Or maybe someone’s house and your experiences there? I have. It’s normal. Our bodies are intelligent and remembers things. Smells both pleasant and non-pleasing automatically trigger memories and/or allow us to experience new ones… along with the feelings attached to those memories/how the smell in its nature initially makes us ~feel~

Sometimes I put my good smellin body oil on in my boudoir… whether alone or with my special one to experience the smell too 😌

Keeping things simple when it comes to what I put in my hair and on my skin is key for me. Too much xyzghlpoqesgtwlmnop can complicate things and doesn’t always react well with moi (as I’m sure many others can relate). Using nature’s Gifts for upkeep and healing purposes is something I don’t take for granted and enjoy using! This becomes an intimate and more appreciative experience when I make what I use for my bodyβ€”it’s like cooking or baking something you Love that’s going IN your body! It just hits different, yah know.

From body butters for moisture and scarring, playing with scents I like, and seeing what works to clear acne and keep my hair healthy n flourishing at its best… trial and error + what ain’t broke don’t fix… has proven reliable over here.

I created my own Skin-Hair-Fragrance Care line. In a sense. Lol <3

Below are photos & fun Stories that I’ve captured on camera while creating some of the things mentioned above…

If the Story isn’t showing on your end, browse the ‘CRE8’ HIGHLIGHT via my Instagram page.

This page may expand into showcasing other things for the body that I either make or simply want to share… like food πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€πŸ³πŸ½πŸ˜‹. Where it’s at for now, is where it’s at for now.

There’s also a HIGHLIGHT on my IG dedicated to all things (actual) food. Tap here.