
You Can’t Afford Therapy, and What to Do About It Today

You can’t afford therapy. Whether a poor excuse or valid justification is your business.

Maybe your income flow is lackluster at the moment; no, I didn’t just call you broke.  Or, investing the money you do have toward starting the therapy process isn’t a priority right now.

Three therapeutic things today, you can do, if you can’t afford therapy

From the mind and cognition to behaviors and actions, along with the physical body… there’s multiple categories that fall under the term: therapy.  In simple words, therapy is healing. The restoration and maintenance of sound health in all areas of our life is important for our well-being.

Finding the right therapist (or therapeutic things to practice) toward the journey of “fixing your life” mentally, behaviorally, emotionally, physically (and ultimately, spiritually) is a process to be taken seriously and approached delicately if you care about honoring & understanding your emotional state(s) and maintaining being sovereign & responsible over your actions and “the controllables” in your life.

Like any other relationship—compatibility, comfortability, respect and trust is a must for the relationship to be effective. Whether this is a relationship with a person (e.g. therapist), yourself, an activity, etc… A safe space to express and allow to receive what’s being given is key.

Physical therapy, for instance, is treatment focused on the physical body—first.  This can range from injury repair to proper energy flow; fixing and/or an attempt to prevent issues through physical modalities by means of extreme heat and/or cold, sound, light, touch, movement, etc. 

Diseases and deformities are more extreme conditions physical therapists specialized in this area tend to as well, as opposed to surgical procedures and drugs—or, at least, separate from the physical methods used toward treatment.

“How does me needing a deep tissue massage lead back to my mind?”

I don’t know about you, but I know for me—when it’s time to wash my hair, baby, I FEEL IT.  I’m cranky and good to no one.  

The same is true for when you need a good bowel movement.  If bowels aren’t regular, in alignment with your intake of food, you will find yourself irritated and may even experience lower back pain, bloating, belly discomfort, etc.

“How does me needing a deep tissue massage lead back to my mind?”

Having the wisdom to know that any energy blockages within the physical body is a domino effect to your mood, interactions with others and more serious problems developed over time—allows you to be aware of where surface level issues may be stemming from.

A ball player can’t hoop like they used to, now what?

A basketball player tore their ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament); this part of the body keeps the knee stable.  That basketball player clearly needs their knees to be in good condition to physically perform well.  While seeking physical therapy to repair this injury, they’re faced with the possibility of this tear happening again or not healing back to the proper state he or she needs it in to play without worsening the problem.

Depending on this person’s relationship with basketball and its influence in their life, it can cause emotional strife, confusion and/or mental paralysis in dealing with this reality.  How they respond to this change has a rooted effect on their emotions and how they view themselves, people, and the world.  How they treat others, coping mechanisms adopted and the move forward in their life for the better or worse is indirectly affected as well. 

On a conscious and subconscious level, this change will require effort from the ball player to come to acceptance of this situation and alter their outlook.  The experience as a whole could also lead down a rabbit hole of insightful discovery; uncovering things from childhood programming, the thought process and behaviors leading to Now—within and outside of them. 

Acquiring clarity and understanding through this vulnerability comes with accountability, empathy and tools gained to remain in control of their life.

Now, the type of therapy your mind may automatically go to when you hear the word therapy is “talk therapy” or psychotherapy.

All forms of therapy lead back to the mind and its programming. 

The words counselor, therapist and psychologist get thrown around and overlapped often; they’re not the same. However, in relation to what this written piece is about… healing is the goal.

This written piece also isn’t a technical one, so research the multiple therapy categories and subcategories if that’s something that interests you.

This is an audio post, grab your headphones or turn your volume up. Subtitles are available within each audio’s video.

3 Therapeutic Things Today: Exercise
3 Therapeutic Things Today: Talk pt.1
3 Therapeutic Things Today: Talk pt.2
3 Therapeutic Things Today: Feed

Three Therapeutic Things Today may expand to more “things” when I feel drawn to putting it together because obviously: there are plenty of more things. Thanks for reading, stay well <3

The original Instagram post

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